domenica 23 gennaio 2011

Day ---> there's a why...

non sto scrivendo per un paio di motivi....
1- sgarri pre-mestruali (ieri mi sono mangiata 2piattoni di pasta e oggi pure, formaggio, cioccolato...etc...)
2- sto prendendo scelte importanti, riguardo la mia vita, alimentazione etc... mi sento pronta a fare il passo ;) almeno ci provo, però prima ho promesso una cena a mia mamma... (domani sera...) e non voglio sentirmi in colpa per le mie scelte etiche, bla bla bla...!!! mi voglio assolutamente godere la cena e poi....

Vi riaggiorno tra un paio di giorni ;)

2 commenti:

  1. Hi dear Isabel, thanks for adding me on FB, don't feel guilty regarding your food choices, the important thing is to do everything JOYFULLY, enjoy what you do and be present in the moment. No guilt, no worries, no regret...but a life of pleasure and appreciation, if you are like that the universe gives you more things to enjoy and more pleasure. Our circumstances are an external manifestation of how we feel good! That is how I live my life and trust me...the better it gets...the better it gets! I eat vegan 90% of the time, vegetarian 10% and raw vegan about 75 to 80%. I do it mindfully and with joy.
    Una ottima serata e settimana a te xo Dea

  2. Hello beautiful, thanks a lot to you... It's really helpfull to know I am not alone ;)
    Thanks for your words, u're absolutely right I was already feeling good and now even better!!!
    Have a lovely day... Isaxxx
